Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Apologies and such.....

My Apologies for the comments and accusations that i have made.......however my opinion is still solid and i intead to delete the post that i have made, i hope i have not made any serious concerns and i apologize for that.

I must remind people that my post can be controversial at some times (apparently do to my complete uncontrollable anger. ) But....i have regretted many things in the past and surely i will urge myself to control my fingers when it comes to typing insulting or controversial opinions which i would call myself: You're F**king Crazy y'all!!!! '' I am sorry.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Terrible, My math pre-test was shit!! i don't like it so much, it was so complex, i don't really understand why the hell i get 38%  and i somewhat understand of what the hell i was doing wrong.

I will manage to correct myself beyond this point. i understand what i did wrong,

But i rememebr the exact feelings with what i was doing with the test. Basically, i was thinking like: ok, Sinus de 36 égale 7 sur sinus de 56, multiplication croisée, etc.

And i aced it last year, i mean it was Trigonometry, and i got like close to 80 % and i should have remembered something about it.