Wednesday, January 13, 2010

White Cheddar, Cheddar or Moneray Jack???!!! OH shit!!!

I cannot believe it....i'm a working man, certainly there is joy and happiness that is involved, but i can't seem to make any sense to what i'm gonna do when i step in the restaurant and make some food. I get so worried about things, then i become a fortune teller. I can't control my anxiety when it comes to new experiences but i'm sure i'll overcome the fear of seeing a photo of me and my ugly face with a hat and aprin and saying everytime : I'll be with you in a momment, or , Hey do you do this again (x 234 times) and many other fancy lines that you basically use when you work at a food joint.

I didn't expect any of this to happen, honestly, i never thought i'd be working at a Subway. It was weird. As of this coming friday i will be making every man, women, children, and sometimes animals (if they peep they're heads and beg for ham then...yes) sandwiches. I'm in trouble....seriously, to me a job is like a vase, it a fragile thing. If i do something wrong, then BADABING!! you're outta here!! (and then theres BOOOMMM!!! for the vase itself)

I thank my parents and other family members for supporting me, i think my first job will be a good one, (and hopefully i can be good at making sandwiches. )

Thank You
