Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Parents Make Mistakes?

It's been quite a while since i talked about my parents, i'd always thought: i should let people know what my parents are like"

Oh ho!! It just gets better, my family is important, but lately it seems that it starts to crumble like a an earthquake rumbling in the middle of the Jordan River where the quake is so strong that there a flock of fricking sheep and it was seperate from it's sheperd. In today's world more and more families and torn apart, aren't listening to each other, they're always different stories, she said this, he said that, it's just bullshit that families are completely seperated because the lack of communication, they are several different things that can .....improve the situation, what i find first is to understand the parental language and communication skills that are highly advanced (and also the gayest thing in the world)

This is why i always have something to come up with, they don't know how i think here's an example:

(Mother and Father are discussing between each other) **Note that is minorily (new word) similar to a real situation....no exagerrations pinky swear promise**

I walk in the room and try to get them to understand me after a confrontation involving : school, sister, and friends. (totally not true NEVER happened) My sister comes in and tells my parents of something "Apparently" very bad that i've done. (As people in the streets would say : - What you talking about b***?!!!" ) Anyways, i've was totally shocked that my sister would bring so much drama and chaos to one simple MISUNDERSTOOD thing,

As you know, when girls reach puberty, they tend to get : (i say stupid, but i'm just ranting when i'm saying that) they get completely unpredictable, frig, they should have a National Geographics documentary intitled: How to deal with your b***  of a teenage Son and Daughter (i put the capital letters on "son and daughter" because....- We are important in mom and dad's life love you. LOL..HA!! what a joke. "

I've always had a question, do parents really have a favorite son or daughter?? What a minute, why am i doing this?? it's not the kids fault, it can actually be the parent's fault!! WHAT??! IMPOSSIBLE!!! PARENTS ARE PERFECT IN EVERYWAY!!!

It seems that i've been witnessing some things about my parents that are just cute and priceless and what just not the parent-code-of-honor. Oh the joy of seeing my creator of flesh and blood cursing at us, telling us to shut-up, and expecting us to crying so badly, when it doesn't appeal to them they tend to increase the rage and shame and make us think : - Shame on you!! Tyler!! Never treat your sister like that!! " and goes for the reward and says : - Good girl, you my best creation, i'll listen to you until i'm old and rusty (already half way there) you want a cookie?!!! Good Girl!!!"

And me, since i'm a rebel of the family (besides my dog) I am completely indepenent, i used to think : - wow, mom and dad do the coolest things a walk to the park?!! That's the shit man!!" Now it's just like : - Get away from me, can't we just talk and TRY to really understand me??!! You're not used to have someone with Asperger's and i feel VERY different when it comes to analysis of my parents and when they think that they know me!!! well they don't!!!

One of the concepts that i use when it comes to our family is: Being Misunderstood, Different, awkward, impatiences, etc.

Frig, that's basically it, i have one that just eats more than half a cheesecake when  he/she's upset (THIS IS NOT THE GOLDEN GIRLS!!!) and one can't calm the f*** down, he's apparently a supersonic yelling machine!!! His basic superpowers is: Stupid actions thatc an cause complete chaos to the family (thank you very much, one for me) yelling at a grave but loud volume that can make our dog sing as if the moon was full and he was a fricking wolf. and the last but not least my sister: An overexagerrated-dramatic-trouble-causing-two-timer-tattle-tale-little-twerp!!! ................................................................................................................oh and she craves attention!!!

let me give you some phrases that i've managed to translate with the help of some years of experience (do not try this with YOUR blog, it may cause some anger, frustration, total anxiety, etc, etc.)

Phrase 1: Anger issues: - OK SHUT UP YOU JERK!! (try to picture her all tomatoe red and tears, and an overly loud voice that sound 20% softer than the voice of God)

 Phrase 2: Exagerrations: - You never listen to me, you always pay attention to Tyler and you TOTALLY IGNORE ME!!" (WBC - WhataBunchofCrap)

Phrase 3: ???? : Sister: - NONONONO!!! You're not listening!!! i meant that i telll you something and you don't listen, and they i have to yell and yell.

Mother: - I know, i just said that!!

Sister: - NONONONONONONO!! you don't!!!!

Thanks for reading 

Tyler Mac

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