Monday, September 13, 2010

Oops, what happened??

Finally, theres been so much going on that taking time to write down on my blog has been a near impossibility,

Lets see....whats been going on??  Work, School started, its been cool but theres been alot of Drama and emotional stress beyond belief,

Everything seems to fall apart during the Month of May, June and them started to cool down around July and then August started to make progress,

The only problems i can really share with people right now is just my own struggling with emotions, my grandfathers death was a kick in the canal, (anal canal, just to let you know) Frankly, I dont care about other peoples opinion as of now, it just makes so difference into what youre going to do,  I mean, heading to Montreal twice in two weeks was a middle finger to the circle of life, at the same time, it started to f**k up the family, we where very stressed during that time.

and now its my last year in high school (according to time itself.) the thing i love right now is Online classes, im doing technologie of design. whatever makes me happy at school is the people that listen to me (by just listening, thereby no needing to reply to my statements) and then the joy i get to make people laugh, by first doing impressions of some stereotypical  bimbo that continously uses the words "SERIOUSLY" and also "LIKE...WHATEVERRR" and not forgetting to mention "TOTALLY"

and then theres my impersination of a Flamboyant homosexual (nothing against them, its really good at it) it pisses off my mother, but its just worth it, everytime i impersinate that accent and attitude it worries my mother that i may actually be a homosexual, shes says: - Tyler, youre scaring me!" 

With the past few months going by and all the events taking its course in my life, theres been a gain of new hobbies, for example, airsoft,

Of course MOST people dont know what it is, mostly Military people would know what im talking about, Airsoft is like paintball, except the ammunition are little plastic BB's, they can be fired by any gun, electric (immitation of a automatic or Semi-Automatic gun powered by battery) a Spring gun or pistol ( Immitation of a Sniper Rifle, or Pistol powered by.......well a spring)

and then theres is a gas gun, rifles, pistols, shotguns, The point of the game is basically like laser tag, get as many points as you can for your team, I love airsoft for the fun, intensity of BB's flying all around you and the only thing you can think of is either shoot back (even though you dont know where the hell they are) or run like hell!! Ive started playing around the month of July and played a few back, theres gonna be some games at our school, but im not sure if there'll be time for me to do all the things i want,

Oh well, the point today, is that im back at school and im pretty sure more sarcastic rating will come along, just.....wait for it, i guess.......
