Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nothing seems right, no more logic

Alright, so many days have been passing by, craps been happening at home (minor) and at work (MAJOR).

Alot of bullshit has been cramping around school, nevertheless i really dont care, mostly my sarcasm has left its intactity, (in other words: its not intact) frankly i dont know why things have been so hectic lately, its like the event themselve look at my agenda and just go : lets just piss off that little f**ker!!» and smiling and then head to work by creating my life into a living hell.

But things this week are starting ok, i've returned to my congregation, seeing my old friends there, (no one my age thats why i said my OLD friends) Being back as a Jehovah Wittnesses has made things better, seeing the great influences rather than be overlooked by some rejects at work that dont have any morals and loves they're own egos. Its been great, however, things are getting weirder,

sadly, my heart bleeds for another, it doesnt make anysense, but of course wheni write my sentimental poetry, it makes everything better. for those years of being a Jehovah Wittnesses, theyre was no one my age to socialise with all things spiritual and even to hang out, but the beginning of the school year is the best thing happening right now, things are changing as i write this down. I've met another wittness at our school, since the absence of the last graduates of my school (whom 5 years ago there was only 1 wittness there at the school) finally i've met another with glad sincerity. Its a female, quite the personnality that i like, she's fantastic, amazing, funny, smart, and quite the joker (ok, funny was already there but still..)

Things are going ok, lets hope things stay that way..

Tyler Macfarlane